Thursday, September 24, 2009

a couple of my scattered poems

hold me tight and never let go
im getting tired of this one man show
feeling just as flimsy as my clothes
theres very few things i actually loathe
ignorance, liars and foes
i invade the mind of yet another clone
i think of myself as a plague
my words are distinct but the meaning is vague
the earth trembles beneath me but still i wont shake
or even express a glint of my rage
we lay together in a field of sage
with the sun at the highest point of day
its scortching rays invade the place
im peeling out last from the race
chase me and never catch up
date me and never break up
perform with me but never choke up
as an english man said
im about to fuck this bloke up.
woke up to find myself alone
my fake smile turned on
and brightly it shone
my heart is so sore all i can do is moan
im changing into one of those clones.

a box
slightly rectangular in shape
but impermeable from all sides
completely transparent
because its all in my mind
im subconsciously trapped in this box
and mime
in this invisible box
theres no concept of time
follow the lines
the dictates of society
"dont commit crimes
enjoy life slightly
put that weed cigarette out!!
obey the mighty"
is it just me or are they all flighty?
we strive to be rich
switch sides, consume lies
"you dont want to be the glitch"
they say
"you dont want to now fit in"
dont get caught in this ditch
like i may
they dont want to see me win.
when money evaporates
where will we be?
you all can panic and scream
and ill plant a tree.


1 comment:

  1. one foot after the other,
    what drives me to seek for cover,
    is the change that rushes me asunder.
    rain first....then thunder,
    wheres my lover....shit dog
    anxiety causes my mind to blunder,
    reaching for the pipe like the milk of a mother
    just hold me....fucker
    no,im tricked,throw me under
    back pocket solider
    i hate you now, but you still wonder.
    im just the product of your machine,
    pervasive hopes clog my dreams.
    you see?,the thing.
    im nothing but a fiend,
    to capture back what you took away from me.
    accelerating to self destruction,aka universal animosity,
    the world, my friends my family.
    hate what they see,
    what ive become to be.
    thats how much you changed me.
    i know..hope one day ill be king
    of my mind, finally....
    a self controlled destiny.
    now i believe
    ive broken free of your entrapment, or so it seems.
    enough power creates stars,
    i can make ZERO galaxy's
    with the all power you've EVER put into me.
    your poison to my body,
    a remedy's cured your destructive regime.
    i guess ill have to wait and see
    maybe, love is gone and lost to former queens,
    but i like her enough to hitch-hike on a taxi
    see what she did to me?
    was it worth it?
    i asked her.
    hell yeah homie.
    - charlie
