Sunday, August 30, 2009


so my moms friend is a flight attendant and she said that she was working a flight to colorado and that it was full of the bellaire boys lacrosse team and that i was the topic of conversation on the plane and that they were taking votes on me like my hair and shit.

umm... i dont even know and/or care about any of the bellaire boys lacrosse team. i like musicians. and brett favre (although hes a backstabber).

i guess its kinda flattering.
but not really.

i wonder what else they were voting on.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

the only homework ive ever had to actually think for

so for my ib world religions class we got a set of questions to answer. heres one of my responses.

suggest your own definition of religion.

the human race is one that feels that it has to be important. religion is a way of granting recognition and a feeling of importance while at the same time explains what cannot be explained. through religion, one can change their own perception of the world to add a sense of hope and a more positive outlook on events to help one fully appreciate and value the beauty of the phenomena of life.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

all good things must come to an end

today is the last day of summer.
its so sad to think that a ton of my friends are leaving for college and in time we will lose contact. i dont want these years to end. all of the people that helped me become the person i am today will be nothing but memories and pictures in yearbooks.
and this time next year, the next batch goes as well.

waugh parties before they sucked. having bonfires, drinking 40's and smoking pot at the picnic tables. going on walks around the park with mary having deep ass conversations. playing with mitchell and levi and drew on the playground while smoking hookah, sitting on the top of the monkey bars with chess, touching nicks upper body to watch his shirt change colors, walking to the end of the path with paint pens and a notebook and drawing trippy pictures, being the last people at waugh and throwing everything in sight into the fire, the amplifier, dancing in the parking lot, watching the AG building squirm, sitting on the top of the hill with taylor mary and voss laughing for 6 hours straight laughing at the word poop and watching the clouds trip out, water balloon fights, everything.

next year when everybody comes back to visit i say we have a huge reunion.
i just dont want to let the past go.

hopefully this next year is full of similar memories, or new experiences, new people and new places. i hope that this year i learn. i hope this year i find somebody worth trusting. i hope this year is one ill look back on for the rest of my life,
because the summer and school year previous to today were by far my glory years thus far.

as of now though, i wish it was a weekend night in late 2008. i miss those days.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

since for us, the spinal cord would suffice

life. strange isnt it? if you answered no, well then you obviously dont look though the eyes of a scientist.
the odds of it are so small. the fact that the universe which is mainly consisted of hydrogen and helium and other inexplicable forces (dark matter, dark energy, etc) created this one planet. just the perfect distance from a star to retain an atmosphere and liquid water and all of the sudden life appears.
but not complex life. micro-bacterial life. how can a reaction of non-living elements create this strange phenomena. some say god. to be honest, i dont know if there is a god. nobody does. you cant say something does or doesnt exist if you dont know. but for now the key to life is still missing.
well the stange thing is, this life evolved. first it was single celled organisms and eventually it became these even stranger life forms that had a substance called chlorophyll that actually took the energy from the sun to trigger a chemical reaction to generate energy that the life could feed off of to keep itself alive.
now what are the odds of that? but no, it doesnt end there. it just keeps evolving and progressing and before you know it there are fish, and insects, and mammals. the list goes on and on. and then there is us. as far as we know, we are the only species of this stange thing called life that actually have emotions and intentions and hopes and dreams and the ability to learn and progress.

i dont know about you but the whole concept of life just blows my mind.
people totally disregard it, the beauty of life. instead they choose to waste their lives conforming, or living to satisfy others, or intentionally hurting others. why is that? why cant everybody value what it is they have? instead, as a race, we just stomp around hurting ourselves and the very planet that gave us the gift of life. its all just a little angering. i wish i could slap everybody in the face sometimes. we have the ability to progress and reflect and to look at the world in awe, so use it!

although i am young, i have come to learn that 93% of people on this overcrowded planet are stupid. just out right stupid. we put our lives into material items and measure our happiness in terms of wealth.

when people bring the question up about why are we here, my answer is science. we are the outcome of some very strange and very rare phenomena. there is a formula for everything. when poeple ask me if we have a purpose, my answer is no.

we are not here for any specific reason. we just exist. now we can either make existance worth it or we can make it horrible for ourselves and anything else we come across. the choice is yours.

its your life. make it worthy of living. stop complaining about it and get off your ass and do something!

"and remember to be here now"

if summer homework were a person

i would have probably gotten them shot.

or perhaps i would procrastinate on that one too.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


she tried to hold it back
you could see it on her face
trying to beat the cheaters in their own race
hiding her eyes to protect her from the rays
he always induced this drug binge craze.
one by one the tears fall down
and dissolve before they even hit the ground
theyre burning up in this world
to which shes bound
try to get free
or even found
but it only ends in failure
she drinks too much and swears like a sailor
dissatisfaction drips from her pores
she knew she was still better than those low life whores
but he still chooses to ignore
her feeble attempts for his love
and still he leaves
and weaves his way deeper into her liver
she tried to fight back but only uttered a quiver
she cant even begin to deliver
the words that echo in her head.
her soul couldnt soar, heavier than lead
she always needed more to escape from her head
so she lies some more
and wishes to be dead.
how small are we?
she asked with a smirk
smaller than the molecules in your front yard's dirt.
so pointless.
too much stress.
why does everybody have to try to impress the only object of her affection?
she knew he could be sweeter than any confection.
she knew that they could exchange life lessons
she'd tought herself too.
shes grown up so much
but still he wont touch
even the clothes on her back
but what did she lack?
it was hard to love herself too.

Monday, August 17, 2009

i wish

i wish it was easier not to care about anything. i mean like hygene and shit like that i enjoy caring about and im sure that people appreciate it too, but when it comes to boys and other bullshit like that, i wish i didnt care. im not stupid. i know that none of what im going though will matter in like a year but still i guess this pain is just training. its not even somebody else inflicting these emotions on me. im doing it to myself. im picking myself apart without any apparant reason. im actually pretty excited to go back to school. at least it will give me something to do rather than hating on myself.

its just the way he looks at me. it tears me apart. he has no idea. hes probably forgotten about me by now. i just wish i had never made the mistakes that i did. ive realized that i should be alone for maybe like the rest of my life because ill admit, im a bit crazy when it comes to relationships. i fall head over heels, and then get really doubtful, break someones heart, get crazy in love again and then fall out of it just as fast. im all over the fucking place. and then i milk pity from them. i make them think that i need them and that i need their help to try and win them back and by that point, everybody hates me.

maaaaan. ive always noticed i do these things though. i just cant stop for some reason. it all seems justifiable at the time but now looking back on my previous actions, im fucking crazy. so i apologize to anybody thats ever remotely had feelings for me. i suck at emotions.

thats why i like science so much. its almost reassuring that nothing matters. the human race will end. our planet will be destroyed in time. the sun will blow up. we are so incomprehensably small and im not scared of death. its all part of the cycle. nothing will matter when i die, because i am no more. its comforting in a sort of sick pessimistic way but hey, what can i say.

i know im fucking nuts.

an entry i found in my journal that basically describes my life now

on sleepless nights i find myself up writing. its a really good way to organize my thoughts. i wouldnt say that i have way too many thoughts, but there are quite a few bouncing around up there. i get so brain fried sometimes, its such a help to vent.

im not satisfied

i dont know with what though. it s another one of those really angsty feelings. i feel like life is boring and im not getting anything done. i want change. excitement. freedom. life is just too structured and fucking tedious. i want to just vanish.

Friday, August 14, 2009

holding out

i cant house this feeling in my head any longer
i want to but i cant
i wish i was stronger
from an outsider's perspective im a fucking goner
but i'll be cryptic to make the gods ponder.
lingering, waiting
for those final flows
my best friends and family ditching me for hoes,
im fighting this feeling as it drips to my toes
it flows from the wound and it sticks to the clothes.
stop slicing me!
i cant muffle my scream anymore
i feel so stupid, immature, and poor
wronger than some sick ass fucking rapist,
im trying to hard- i dont have to take this.
you're lying too much
i cant believe you would make this.
im such a fool for trying to fake this.

alone on another saturday evening
listening to rap and watching the cieling
healing, stealing, and cleaning up this shit hole,
no not my room,
my godforsaken soul.
its become tangled up and heavier than coal
even if it were gold
it couldn't be sold due to extreme surface damage
but if you dig deep to where the thoughts cant effect it
its a lot cleaner than the rest of their shit.
its pure, its good, its happy as hell,
trying to explain and not to tell,
trying to scream but not to yell,
its hard work to be done
before the sun
blows up in our ugly faces.
lets face it.
nobody can say it will all be okay
because im not that fucking dumb.
and nobody will say
here come this way
because they'll all be dead and gone.
so long,
nice to know ya
wish i could trust you so i could show you this crazy thing called love
the broken remains of this porcelein dove.
who said love was great?
i think times are late.
i cant shake this off
im trying to heal
but still I cough,
and my fever is through the roof.
its my aquarian side,
im too damn aloof.
emotionally detached and out of sync,
im still looking for my missing link.
a partner in crime whos there every time i feel like spitting my shit
to push me not to quit
to keep my smile brightly lit.
its almost an impossible task.
youre too young katie.
youre too smart for your age.
the most cash you can mak is minimum wage
and your still living in your parents cage,
and cant be let loose yet.
they hate you because youre a threat.
threatening the way the world works.
you dont tollerate poisonous dirt.
you laugh all the time
you cant commit crime because your concience is loud as hell
and when they see you it aint hard to tell
that a revolution is in our midst.
the future is last on their priorities list
and your accentuating their flaws
question the laws.
rules were meant to break.
and if it continues there will me no lakes.
no oceans, no trees
just paper and plastic
go ahead, make your choice,
meanwhile i'll wreak havoc
goddamn girl
you're so fucking dramatic
stop rustling up dust in humanities attic
cant avoid this
let my words be your death kiss
wreck this, set this goal,
this limit to fix this
because when its all said and done
youre going to miss this.