Thursday, August 20, 2009

since for us, the spinal cord would suffice

life. strange isnt it? if you answered no, well then you obviously dont look though the eyes of a scientist.
the odds of it are so small. the fact that the universe which is mainly consisted of hydrogen and helium and other inexplicable forces (dark matter, dark energy, etc) created this one planet. just the perfect distance from a star to retain an atmosphere and liquid water and all of the sudden life appears.
but not complex life. micro-bacterial life. how can a reaction of non-living elements create this strange phenomena. some say god. to be honest, i dont know if there is a god. nobody does. you cant say something does or doesnt exist if you dont know. but for now the key to life is still missing.
well the stange thing is, this life evolved. first it was single celled organisms and eventually it became these even stranger life forms that had a substance called chlorophyll that actually took the energy from the sun to trigger a chemical reaction to generate energy that the life could feed off of to keep itself alive.
now what are the odds of that? but no, it doesnt end there. it just keeps evolving and progressing and before you know it there are fish, and insects, and mammals. the list goes on and on. and then there is us. as far as we know, we are the only species of this stange thing called life that actually have emotions and intentions and hopes and dreams and the ability to learn and progress.

i dont know about you but the whole concept of life just blows my mind.
people totally disregard it, the beauty of life. instead they choose to waste their lives conforming, or living to satisfy others, or intentionally hurting others. why is that? why cant everybody value what it is they have? instead, as a race, we just stomp around hurting ourselves and the very planet that gave us the gift of life. its all just a little angering. i wish i could slap everybody in the face sometimes. we have the ability to progress and reflect and to look at the world in awe, so use it!

although i am young, i have come to learn that 93% of people on this overcrowded planet are stupid. just out right stupid. we put our lives into material items and measure our happiness in terms of wealth.

when people bring the question up about why are we here, my answer is science. we are the outcome of some very strange and very rare phenomena. there is a formula for everything. when poeple ask me if we have a purpose, my answer is no.

we are not here for any specific reason. we just exist. now we can either make existance worth it or we can make it horrible for ourselves and anything else we come across. the choice is yours.

its your life. make it worthy of living. stop complaining about it and get off your ass and do something!

"and remember to be here now"

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