Sunday, August 23, 2009

all good things must come to an end

today is the last day of summer.
its so sad to think that a ton of my friends are leaving for college and in time we will lose contact. i dont want these years to end. all of the people that helped me become the person i am today will be nothing but memories and pictures in yearbooks.
and this time next year, the next batch goes as well.

waugh parties before they sucked. having bonfires, drinking 40's and smoking pot at the picnic tables. going on walks around the park with mary having deep ass conversations. playing with mitchell and levi and drew on the playground while smoking hookah, sitting on the top of the monkey bars with chess, touching nicks upper body to watch his shirt change colors, walking to the end of the path with paint pens and a notebook and drawing trippy pictures, being the last people at waugh and throwing everything in sight into the fire, the amplifier, dancing in the parking lot, watching the AG building squirm, sitting on the top of the hill with taylor mary and voss laughing for 6 hours straight laughing at the word poop and watching the clouds trip out, water balloon fights, everything.

next year when everybody comes back to visit i say we have a huge reunion.
i just dont want to let the past go.

hopefully this next year is full of similar memories, or new experiences, new people and new places. i hope that this year i learn. i hope this year i find somebody worth trusting. i hope this year is one ill look back on for the rest of my life,
because the summer and school year previous to today were by far my glory years thus far.

as of now though, i wish it was a weekend night in late 2008. i miss those days.

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